Telegrams of Death
Followings are translations of four telegrams proving the complicity of the Turkish government in the planning and execution of the Armenian genocide:
To the Government of Aleppo,
Although the extermination of the Armenian element, which has for centuries been desirous of destroying the sure foundation of our Empire, and has now taken the form of a real danger, had been decided upon earlier than this, circumstances did not permit us to carry out this sacred intention. Now that an obstacles are removed, and the time has come for redeemingour fatherland from this dangerous element, it is urgently recommended that you should not be moved to feelings of pity on seeing their miserable plight; but, by putting an end to them all, try with all your might to obliterate the very name 'Armenia' from Turkey. See of it that those to whom you entrust the carrying out of this purpose are patriotic and reliable men.
Minister of the Interior
To the Government of Aleppo,
September 9, 1915 - All rights of the Armenians to live and work on Turkish soil have been completely cancelled, and with regard to this the Government takes all responsibility on itself, and has commanded that even babes in the cradle are not to be spared. The results of carrying out this order have been seen in some provinces. In spite of this, for reasons unknown to us, exceptional measures are taken with 'certain people', and those people instead of being sent straight to the place of exile are left in Aleppo, whereby the Government is involved in an additional difficulty. Without listening to any of their reasoning, remove them -women or children, whatever they may be, even if they are incapable of moving; and do not let the people protect them, because, through their ignorance, they place material gains higher than patriotic feelings, and cannot appreciate the great policy of the Government in insisting upon this. Because instead of the indirect measures of extermination used in other places -such as severity, haste (in carrying out the deportations), difficulties of traveling and misery -direct measures can safely be used there, so work heartily.
General Orders have been communicated from the War Office to all the Commanders of the Army that they are not to interfere in the work of deportation.Tell the officials that are to be appointed for that purpose that they must work to put into execution our real intent, without being afraid of responsibility. Please send cipher reports of the results of your activities every week.
Minister of the Interior
To the General Committee for settling the deportees
January 10, 1916 - Enquiries having been made, it is understood that hardly ten percent of the Armenians subjected to the general deportation have reached the places destined for them; the rest have died from natural causes, such as hunger and sickness. We inform you that we are working to bring about the same result with regard to those who are still alive, by using severe measures.
To the Government of Aleppo,
January 15, 1916. - We hear that certain orphanages which have been opened receive also the children of the Armenians. Whether this is done through ignorance of our real purpose, or through contempt of it, the Government will regard the feeding of such children or any attempt to prolong their lives as an act entirely opposed to its purpose, since it considers the survival of these children as detrimental. I recommend that such children shall not be received into the orphanages, and no attempts are to be made to establish special orphanages for them.
Minister of the Interior
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