I would just like to know how you got the rights to post these pictures on your website. I would like to request permission to use them. Could you please assist me.
In my blog I'm not going to prove or deny the fact of Armenian genocide as it's as stupid and ridiculous as to discuss or argue about the fact of the Earth's moving round the Sun (if only we don't live in the Middle Ages and we are not going to be Nicolaus Copernicus's allies or foes).
I want to provide you more and more important and useful information about this horrible and shameful part of the history.Information which can help you to get closer to the first Holocaust in the 20-th century.
Before the second one,Hitler said,'Who remembers Armenian Genocide,and who will remember Jewish genocide?!'(http://www.teachgenocide.org/background/hitler.htm)
My only purpose of this blog is to prevent another genocide in the history of mankind,to prevent the birth(or existence) of another 'Talat-pasha' or 'Hitler' in our fragile world.
I would like to thank you for such a work and for your time dedication.
I have also recently created a new website related with the Armenian Genocide 1915, you may visit the site at www.armgenocide.weebly.com
The world knows the truth and history will never forget !
Karl Shirvanian
Thank you very much.
Hi Haik,
I would just like to know how you got the rights to post these pictures on your website. I would like to request permission to use them. Could you please assist me.
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